Short Doco Progress

YAY! We’ve finally locked in a story for our short doco!

After a few days of calling around and multiple Google searches, we decided that the raw and the aftermath of a cult experience would be story that hasn’t been told justice in the mainstream media, especially in Australia.

A psychologist based in Queensland agreed to share her story and the reason why she dedicates her career to help people get out of cults. We’ve also contacted 2 women who have been in cults themselves and have spoken out about their experiences in the media before. We realised that the 2 women live interstate as well, and the chances of interviewing them face-to-face is quite slim. The biggest dilemma we face is quality and how we will fit all their interviews in a concise structure and at a time frame that will do justice to the stories they’ve shared.

How are we going to create a high aesthetic quality when we are aware that a Skype interview alreadys strips that quality away? It’s a means of using as much of our resources as possible, such as doing a screen capture, audio recording and even potentially filming the screen capture through a DSLR. At this stage it’s a matter of trusting our interviewee’s in being comfortable to open up to us, and being certain that it’s these measures we have to take in order to share and raise awareness about an issue that many Australians aren’t aware are happening around them.