All About Eve Arnold

“I didn’t want to be a woman photographer. That would limit me. I wanted to be a photographer who was a woman, with all the world open to my camera.”

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Eve Arnold never photographed someone with a wide lense as she considered it inhumane and unethical – that vow alone just shows how much of a respected photojournalist Eve Arnold is. She never cared about what status a person is in the social hierarchy of the world as she “don’t see anybody as ordinary or extraordinary”.

Arnold earned the trust of some of the most famous people alive at the time such as Marilyn Munroe and Malcolm X, while even travelling around the world to capture some of most human moments such as the seriously injured Vietnam War Veterans and Afghan Nomads during the 1970’s.

She is a prime example of what separates a good photographer from a great photographer – the importance of the relationship between the subject and the photographer. No matter who the person was in our social hierarchy, Arnold had the ability “to record the essence of a subject in the 125th part of a second” stripped of their fame and status and down to their human core.

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