Webb Bridge

All these images were captured on a Canon 70D. As part of the video portrait I wanted to film Robert Owen’s public commission collaboration on the Webb Bridge. In 2003, Robert Owen collaborated with Denton Corker Marshall to develop Webb Bridge and earned them the prestigious Joseph Reed Architectural award for urban design in 2005.

Luckily, filming at Webb Bridge didn’t require any filming permits, however, filming during the daytime was a bit hectic than expected. Many pedestrians and cyclists were around during the lunch time period and filming at such tight spots didn’t help either. On the contrary, the sun came through and provided these shadows from the reflection of the bridge’s structure. At night, the only thing that we were tackling while filming was the infamous Melbourne weather. But then serendipity did its work that when it stopped raining, the water provided that same reflective image of the structure through the puddles. For us, we had to tackle the typical wind and coolness of Docklands but I guess it was all worth it. Check out the images below:






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