Media One seemed like a year ago when in reality, it’s only been weeks that have flown by. Reflecting upon last semester, I’ve realised that my goals were merely focussed on developing skills to become a media practitioner and neglecting the bigger picture of maturing my own self within such a fast-paced, ever-changing and competitive industry.

In order for me to mature, I would have to extend myself beyond the course itself by participating in RMITV, SYN and other organisations that offer opportunities to network and allow me to explore the industry at my own pace. In saying that, I need to jump onto opportunities before I make the familiar excuses – “I’ll just wait until second year”/ “I’ve got plenty of time later on” and then just missing out completely.

As someone who (just like a majority of people) doesn’t get particularly excited when group work/presentation is compulsory to completing an assessment task, I aim to embrace collaboration as an opportunity to work with like-minded people who I could potentially work with in the not-so-distant future. Furthermore, it also becomes an engaging way to learn off each other’s previous experiences and creativity to produce high-quality content.

For this studio, my main objective is to immerse myself into the contemporary art world by working one-on-one with the artists themselves. By thoroughly planning during pre-production, I hope to create a video that will allow the viewer to experience the artist’s persona and the concept behind their artwork rather than just on a superficial and informative level.

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