Week eleven seemed to have crept in out of nowhere, and so was the due date for our audio essay drafts. So far, I’ve been impressed by the quality and structure that had been compiled so far by Bradley as the main editor for the audio essay and host. Our biggest worry so far, is that the time frame of the essay was way over five minutes even without all of our required interviews.

The benefit of the rough cut allowed fresh ears to listen and provide us with any reassurance, improvements and criticism in general. Not only did Louise provided us with feedback that guided us into the right direction, but also observing her reactions to certain moments that we would expect a listener to react to.

Louise commended our concept on sequels and originality and really liked how we decided to base our analysis on journalist, academic and public opinions. Her reactions on certain moments in the essay proved that we needed to source sound effects and background music in order to break up the narration, to texturize, to build a faster pace and prevent the analysis from being boring.  Furthermore, Louise suggested to record and organise all of our material before cutting down to just over the five minutes.

Overall, we need to focus on the media item of texts and narratives at the fear of diverting towards our focus on audiences, complete our remaining interviews and source out sound effects. Since we’re way ahead of schedule, we’re absolutely sure to complete these tasks even a week before the due date (fingers crossed).

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