“How good are you at noticing?” Louise asks us in this week’s workshop. To determine this, we turned around for one minute to jot down the outfit Louise was wearing that particular morning.

What I remember

Colour palette: grey
A scarf
Faded light blue jeans
Her hair tied up

What she was actually wearing

The ankle boots that she wore from last week
A long grey jumper
Light grey slim fit jeans
Earrings and bangles
Hair tied up in a bun like last week
A light-material scarf
Dominant colour palette: grey

It becomes apparent that I only noticed objects from a superficial level, as supposed to marking what she’s wearing when I turn around and visually notice her outfit. For example, I detail her wearing LIGHT grey jeans, not just simply wearing jeans. After marking, I progress to recording, in terms of recalling her boots as something she wore the previous week. Not only did I realise how noticing is superficial compared to marking and recording, but also the fact that my memory isn’t as bad as I thought it was.

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