In order review each of our Project Brief 1: Self portraits (and scavenge for a cable for our audio), we were each assigned a hat that represented how we were to critique each PB1.

Yellow was positive, green was new ideas, red was gut reaction and black was something that doesn’t work.

Throughout the entire exercise I was wearing the black hat, a role I was willing to fulfil. As it was an assignment that involved overlooking the lo-fi production and focusing the quality of the work, it became difficult becoming a “b**ch”. After all, the only criticisms I was able to find were tedious and easy fixes.

Initially, it worked well in trying to ease us into that sort of critiquing mentality, but overtime the activity itself became time consuming for us as we ended up commending and evaluating each other’s self portraits through the red hat (our gut reactions) rather than our specific hats.
From this activity, (thanks to the people on my table) I was able to evaluate and reflect on my own work; to add more “texture” to my audio recordings and to take out the blurriness and focus on the videos.

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