Don’t fall into the “there’s always post-production” mentality whenever you find yourself in a hiccup during production, is something that has stuck to me since Jeremy Bowtell’s presentation in the Week 2 lectorial.

As someone who can have a “don’t worry / fuhgeddaboudit” attitude, I’ve become extra careful of my filming during production for Portfolio Brief Two. Therefore, my mantras now include:
“Cut long rather than short. When undecided about the exact frame to cut on”
“Is the cut necessary and convey the intended emotion?”
“Always leave at least three seconds before and after the footage”

Drawing upon inspiration from Scott McCloud’s 1993 “Blood in the Gutter”, I could concentrate on various cuts that smoothly transition from scene to scene to convey a story that is goal oriented, or incorporate rapid cuts for pacing and concentrate on the journey itself rather than reaching a specific goal.

I enjoyed this week’s reading for having demonstrated “The Invisible Art” that is camouflaged within comics. An invisible art that carefully distinguishes the reader from its writer in order to provide escapism throughout its pages, something I hope to achieve by the end of this course.

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