When reading the article Adrian posted about Vine stars, something clicked for me. This need that I feel to be ‘connected’, stimulated and entertained all the time – it might actually be a real thing.
Sometimes when I am doing a boring task like washing the dishes or pulling bits of tissue off my freshly washed washing, I feel the need to be connected and in the loop, so i’ll put the radio on. (This need to be ‘in the loop’ is becoming less of a desire and more of a FOMO thing.) Increasingly i’ll be watching something on TV – which I don’t often do, so when I do, it’s because I particularly like the show – whilst reading something on my phone. Sometimes i’ll even watch something else at the same time! I am finding that my mind is always looking for another way to be engaged. I don’t particularly like the sound of this at all. Not only am I only half ‘there in the moment’ but I am also appearing to be glued to my phone, or to a screen. This isn’t how I would like to present myself.
When reading about the rise of the Vine star, I couldn’t help but wonder if these young creators had tapped into something similar to my wanting to be engaged. The idea of both quality and quantity smooshed into one little app. Creators strive to put the best performance into their 6 second clip, while consumers watch as many 6 second clips as possible while waiting for their name to be called our incorrectly at Boost.
On a side bar – I love that J-Lo 1) has a song called Booty and 2) recruited Liane Valenzuela to help promote her new song. I can’t help but feel that this is a case of the little workers helping the boss stay the boss. I like it.