© 2015 karlwalker

Final Post…Ahhh Here come the tears!!!

Well… Here we are, the very last blog post of my stundent life!
Time to make some bold revelations and say something that will echo through the ages!!!

But first i think i’ll start with the course and what I’ve learnt while doing the scene in cinema.

The change from doing everything linearly and methodically was very different from what I myself am used to. My up bring and TAFE/ Television background have fostered an attitude in me of creating something through an efficient methodology. However, what I did not realise was that sometimes you can discover other elements and ways of working towards a more creative idea by retooling this methodical approach. Because I am a little bit of a stubborn character (yes Robin you can say it) I believe that I allowed myself to expand within the methodology of the course, but fit my working method to a more non-linear reflective approach. This for me, was a helpful, almost easier way of working, due to the fact that i could let things flow organically and just move forward with the conceptual idea in my mind. I did though keep the technical management very close to my heart of course because there is nothing else i can stand less than poor technical film work.

From my tracking shot I enjoyed the discovery of what this technique could elicit and provide to a scene. It became more engaging because it forced me to work within my restrictions (which is what i believe you were trying to tell us all along). We don’t need fancy cutting and editing, sometimes we need to learn to be creative and not lazy with where we place the camera and our character movement. I found that the use of the long take made my work more engaging, as the actors had to involve themselves in the scene and invest for a full take that would take 5 minutes of their time. The long take almost provides a slice of life.

There is not repositioning of the camera, no changing of locations or pick up shots. The actors are in the scene as much as the audience is, and to know what happened in front of you, 10minutes ago, happened in their lives 10minutes ago just makes me sit on the edge of my seat and pay attention like as if they were here with me, acting it out before my eyes.

Sound was a great thing that i (kind of) discovered as apart of my exercise. Too many examples of student films falter in their use of sound. They focus on the images and forget that it’s only one half of the big picture. A guy i work with said to me “Karl, you can have great images with poor sound and you can’t watch, If you have poor images with great audio, you are drawn in and forgive the images” Now i’m not going to get into discussing this point because we would need a whole other semester for that!!! But i do believe that I now finally see the greater significance of the beautiful aspect of sound in cinema. It should not be just slagged in at any moment! It should be there when you are most vulnerable, to pounce on you! Or when you are stunned, to jolt you into action!

From this course i have enjoyed my interactions with yourself and my fellow classmates, and i found myself having a great time as i did when i was in TAFE doing the same exercises. Film has a great way of bringing people together who probably normally wouldn’t interact, you engage with these people on a deeper level because of cinema, because of the art.

This is my last semester of my degree and after I post this, come to the screening day and submit my last assignments…I’ll wander off to a nice bar somewhere, buy a drink and reminisce on all those great people I’ve met… and all the ones I’m yet to meet.
I’ll lie down in my bed that night and say “Well, Wasn’t that just a great time!”

So shine on Robin you crazy diamond, I’ll see you around!

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