For my short shot or scene at the end of the semester, I would like to shoot a continuous scene based around steadicam shots and choreography.
Things that have influenced me to want to do this are of course a tonne of Martin Scorsese films, A music video called This Too Shall Pass by Ok Go ( and a video by a group of high school students who make a continuous music video lip sync in their school (
I also work with steadicam operators on a regular basis and as a wannabe steadicam operator, i think this is something i should pursue! With steadicam, you can have long takes and really make something creative through the use of choreography!
How can i do this? I don’t have a steadicam?! no… But i do have a glide cam! Which is like the poor mans steadicam!
This guy (Devin Supertramp) is a personal hero of mine and really brought Glidecams into mainstream film making. Here is a video by him! (
ANNNNDD! For content…well you’ll have to tune in next week for that!
Cheers, Karl.