This week we began the construction, conception and implementation of our major project for Story Lab. All the weeks have lead up to this moment where we get to finally create our own transmedia story. After what I believe was a good project three presentation of our story I am excited to get it all started. As we have decided to release a piece of evidence a week over the next four weeks we needed to get cracking on creating our first piece. I believe that we have created a really good first piece of evidence. It consists of a newspaper article, created entirely by ourselves, a map of London with a particular location marked out for the detective to go and also a handwritten note. All of this is wrapped up in an envelope with a particular number on the back. I think that for our first piece we have definitely set-up the story and showed over two different platforms story development and advancement. As the weeks progress the evidence will continue to build the story. In terms of digital media we have started a blog called ‘therealvoiceofscotland’. This blog is an anti-England blog stating that the vote was thrown and foul play was the cause. The aesthetic of the blog is quite amateur but that is the look we want. Someone who has a valid underdog opinion but on a low budget raw website which in some way reflects the tone and the content of the blog. Overall, I enjoyed doing the first piece and am excited for the rest.