This is a back dated blog to last week in Week 3 of Networked Media where we spoke about the issue of copyright and the importance of monitoring your activity and the content you use online. As the readings informed there is a lot more to copyright than just not using others peoples work. Ideas themselves are copyrighted the second they are conceived and the web in my opinion has made it harder for us to monitor copyright. There is so much unreferenced content on the web and the ability to share it with a click of a button blurs the lines of what is right and wrong. I hope to aim my blog away from using other peoples work and focus more on text I have thought of and media I have captured. Also the thing I found was the huge importance of referencing others people work, and what you need to be careful of. Particularly, using the referenced work purely for the sake of using it, not using it to benefit your point, critic or conversation.
In addition, not only do we have to worry about using others work illegally we need to worry about our work and how we won’t it to be treated. This is the importance of the creative commons license. It allows other people to understand what they can use of yours and what they need to do when they do use your content. The creative commons license I have allows people to use my content as long as they attribute me and don’t use it in a commercial platform, which I think as a repetitive consumer of internet content is me giving back to the online community. Overall, the subject of copyright, although dry, is one of high importance when you build an online identity.