As I slightly hinted to in my last post I thought of an idea that I could possibly write about in regards to the topic I want this blog to take. Along with my posts about Networked Media and The Story Lab I want to speak about Travel.
Let me give you a quick back story. My family is decendent of the great race that created pizza, pasta and a let’s say an easy going way of life… Italians. My grandparents were born there and then moved here in hope for a life that was truly worth working for. Not long after my parents were born (To their respective parents) So I have always had the traditions that come with an Italian family like lots of food, a big family and lots of love. These traditions are strongly rooted within in me. However, there were people my grandparents left behind in Italy. More family, people I didn’t know but for some reason had a close connection to.
So when my mum at the ripe old age of 53 decided to go to Europe for the first time I was 100% there. I really looked forward to seeing the places I had seen before but also seeing new places and meeting this long lost family that I didn’t even know.
I want you to come along if you like while I relive my experiences overseas and hope you enjoy it just a little bit!