Print to Network…

Adrian Miles was the author of this weeks text and he discussed the difference or contrast between the way we consume print media in relation to network media. He highlights the difference between the two and gives us a profound description of the way we should be treating both platforms and how we are to move with this new networked style.

The highlight of this reading for me would have to had been the reiteration that if we consume content created online we should in the same token give back to or contribute to the platform. As mediums such as blogs, websites and online content allow us to interact instantaneously with them, it is almost a given that we provide feedback to them and further them along, whether it be on an involved or subtle level. By doing this we are contributing and revolving the way we consume media. It’s like a continuous cycle. This differs largely from print media in that although we are able to interact with the authors on some level letters, emails or start a fan club, what is written is final and we are unable to add to that. We can comment on it but not further it.

Miles then talks about the different types of ways of sharing and the way we weild options such as RSS to combine all the content we consume in one place. This in itself is contributing back, we are creating something new by combing or cohesively weaving different content and platforms together.


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