[a]ssociational formal systems suggest ideas and expressive qualities by grouping images that may not have any immediate logical connection. But the very fact that the images and sounds are juxtaposed prods us to look for some connection — an association that binds them together .
The potential advantage of lists is that we don’t have to think everything like a narrative. As audiences, we can be easier to deal with thing because of lists. The list is an approach that permits a sense of cohesion at the same time as it increases the gap between project elements. The list as a structuring device in creative screen based documentary is a formal approach that also speaks of the infinite possibilities in combining and making connections across a networked field of elements.
A category draws different things into different groups by the measure which is ruled by the producer of this category. As Adrian mentioned in week3 lecture “What kind of measure is that? It is nonsense.” Initially, a thing is a thing that never belong any types or groups. List is represented as things are things. List is the initial relationship within different things we have to find out the relationship by ourselves, like creating a category in which we make a rule.