Week6_”Cause and effect” and “Narrative”




Narrative must be constructed by structure. A constellation of set events happens one by one in a storyline. This is the notion of narrative.


look at the other side about Cause and effect.

cause and effect poster

Cause and effect, as you see, is explain why things happen. Cause and effect is anything but structure because of accidental factor. We never tell a story within a frame of random cause and effect. One cause might lead to different effects We only can assume the effects but never control over the effects.

cause and effect example david



Week 6_Take Away from Lecture

Over the lectures, Adrian talked a lot of the idea of narrative and story. This week’s lecture, Adrian explain how the narrative differs from cause and effect.

What is the point in redefining narrative as anything more than cause and effect?

In Adrian’s word, beautiful cinematography is just beautiful cinematography but nor the narrative storytelling. The fascinating images evokes our feelings but it is the embodiment of narrative. The images is only the cause generates some effects on us.

We are surrounded by causes and effects because everything can be a cause and effect, like walking down the road and being wrecked by truck. Causes and effects happen all the time in our life. However, only a tiny part of cause and effect is narrative.

Basically, what I get from Adrian is cause and effect is a constellation of random things happen in our life. They are not story but just non-narrative accident because they are unsequenced. We never know what would happen next moment and, of course, we are not ready for the coming. Nevertheless, narrative is a chain of arranged events with cause and effect. In other words, people are inspired by the random cause and effects for writing a story. Only a small string of the cause and effect can be used over the time.