The web offers is opportunity to examine and understand very small, everyday details of our lives, like Bright Splinters in which people try to find out the light in a unnoticed moment.
According to Lev Manovich, Korsakow film is an interactive spatial montage because it is comprised of multifarious of media format like images, sounds and texts. Those of all are functioning together. Korsakow, the ‘images’ are often paused videos further, the software allows the maker a great degree of latitude in designing these spatial montages, which can change from sec ion to section as the film plays.
Will Lures considers that the emergence of Korsakow allows more space to create as its interface is various. The interface is design in database storytelling, draws its inspiration, in part, from the world of graphic novels. He argues that narrative cohesion ‘comes less through the codes of mimetic construction – the propping up of continuous worlds.