Hypertext from the lecture

I had good experience from the networked media lecture yesterday. Before I had the lecture, i was very confused about the conception of hypertext. What is kind of functions? How does it work? Although  I went through the weekly readings, I still didn’t get dsitinct comprehension of hypertext. All the things about hypertext I know is probably that how hypertext was embedded in the fiction writing and give a large space to author to create their crafts. However, if someone ask me to specify the hypertext, I guess there is no any word comes out.

Yesterday, Elliot, Brain and Adrian offer a plenty of explainations for the conception of hypertext  as well as its function. There are many insteresting perpspective for this kind of new stuff. Brain thinks of hypertext which is not new idea for now but somehow it more or less preexits in technologies earlier, however, people find it out until recently and move to a research agenda. More importantly, Brain also consider that the hypertext can adapt into different media medium with different effective results. Some of form works could be impressively sufficient out of people’s expectations. We never how hypertext could intensify the media for now but hypertext somewaht like a magic trick to bring our production to antoher level.

On the other hand, Adrain in the lecture memtioned another great point of hypertext. Adrian reveals the importance of book is only for its direct relationship with literature. Hypertext in some way provides readers convinience to read the books. They only click on a link and find out the materials they want to read instead of a print text. For some people, they might like this way more than the traditional way to read the book. Once upon a time, our conception of reading books was already relatvie to experience but the era is moving forward. Do you want to experience a book or only read a book? So ther is the choice for readers between convinience and experience. Same situation also happens in print media industry, while the level of technologies and the habit of people’s life are generally changing, the print media industry, like newspaper, magazine and book, is suffering a tough time. Readers are now merely turn on their apps and they could obtain the inforamation. The newspaper is too slow to respond to this action and somehow they lost their track. People enabling accurately exploring suitable information by digital media in which hundreds of hypertext offering this power is unbelievable.


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