Week 3_Multiple screen documentary “In the Labyrinth”

In the LabyrinthbyRoman KroitorbyColin Low&byHugh O’Connor, National Film Board of Canada

A film without commentary in which multiple images, sometimes complementary, sometimes contrasting, draw the viewer through the different stages of a labyrinth. The tone of the film moves from great joy to wrenching sorrow; from stark simplicity to ceremonial pomp. It is life as it is lived by the people of the world, each one, as the film suggests, in a personal labyrinth.

In the Labyrinth was first released as a multi-screen presentation for Chamber III of the Labyrinth at Expo 67. These separate images were integrated into a single strand of film, using a “five-on-one” cinematic technique.

The way of “In the Labyrinth” produced is very similar with Korsakow film which we are gonna do it in this semester. Background music, images and short video create a non-narrative experimental film. Although this film without any commentary, it does create a atmosphere with background music and moving images.  The multiple frame is very fascinating because it create a special perspective. Each frame kind of have a relationship with others. I am very inspired by that. I would like to try it in my sketch film in the future.

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