Week 3_Take away from Lecture_3

At the beginning of the lecture, Adrian very concentrated on the concept of taxonomy. He defines taxonomies as a boxes in which formally categories every different kind of thing. How does plant or animal relate to each other? What sort of this or what sort of that. A serious classification. Adrian, however, points out that what is the measure of these kind of thing? Yes, exactly, the measure. The measure that classifies different species by the speciesmen. They make up a example as a centre (standard) and organise the sequence of this species based on their differences from the centre. However, Adrian’s POV just inspires me what is the measure of this measure? Who set up this measure?

A taxonomy is stereotype. It convinces people to follow the stereotype rules. Speciesmen, THEY seems to be a state of authority that set up rules or quality to classify things or people. What groups. However, as Adrian mentioned, what matters is not whether this is a new species or not, what matters is to recognise that gum trees all vary and so what matters is the extent of the variation, not the fact of variation.

What we do is not understanding the definition of a thing, what we do is to observe and think what things function and how they function. Think out of the boxes of taxonomy to think what they do rather than what they mean. Adrian suggests us to approach closely at individual works and systems and software platforms and services individually and specifically. Understanding the varies is to learn the lessons from them.

The interesting webs Adrian provided to us. The web of MIT’s moment of Innovation is a platform for people to share the historic of creative crafts. It tries to get people here to know more about things of technology. The web offers different kinds of formats of medium, video, collective images, music etc.  On the other hand, The online page of ‘The Johnny Cash Project’ runs with a different concept. There is one video of fascinating juxtapositions on the main page. It seems artful and aesthetic. The web encourages people to create. The staff grapes users’ crafts to produce a montage. A collaborative art crafts is done by users.


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