Why Real to Reel?

I enrolled in Real to Reel because I had become curious about non-fiction production and wanted to learn about the different types of non-fiction work, and the difference in techniques between non-fiction and narrative work.

While I was initially apprehensive about enrolling into Real to Reel, due to the open-ended nature of the studio; I realised that it would an opportunity to learn planning strategies for films. The studio also has the potential to help me build confidence in creating media without external pressure.

When I think of non-fiction media – especially film, I find myself automatically thinking of documentaries rather than other genres, even though there are many others. I guess it would be like saying that the only form of media is film. I’m looking forward to exploring and experimenting with the different genres during the studio.

I am also interested in learning how to work with different types of media. Like many creative people, I like the idea of experimenting with different methods and formats; and being able to relate different forms into a single concept seems like an interesting challenge. Having used the X70 cameras while filming MyTV, I would say that I’m proficient with using them, but I feel like I need more practice editing, especially colour grading.

I know that I need more practice in reflective writing, and my goal is to be able to not only be able to write reflectively, but also to be more confident in my writing. It can be hard to be candid at the best of times, but I often feel like I have trouble opening up about even the most mundane things.

A less obvious thing is that in class, I will meet other like-minded people who could be interested in collaborating on personal projects with me, and possibly even become friends.

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