Wiki Wiki!

This week’s reading is about database is a significant form to store data that we have made. I am really interested in the part in the reading that talking about CD-roms and other media as the databases. As I understand about the reading, CD-roms are just like the database, but they are not really counted in. And now, database is all on the web. I would like to say Wikipedia is a great example of database. We can all search the information on Wikipedia and also we can edit it. In other words, Wikipedia is intertextual. Of course it is not the only example of database (I cannot figure others out instantly oops), but if we play video games nowadays, the database of the game is not just stored in the disk itself, but also on the network. For example, FIFA 2014 is a soccer video game, if the gaming device is connected to the network, the football players’ ability and states of playing will be changed every week and the changes of data are depending on the actual players play on fields. It would make the game more realistic and synchronized with the actual players to make the game to be more interesting.

Unlecture #10

OMG! It’s week 10 already, I don’t realize that time flies so fast. Anyway, in the lecture, I was really impressed by the website called The Faces of Facebook that was shown by Adrian. It is a very good example of database that we can look for all the faces on Facebook through this website. I’m not sure is this website illegal but it is absolutely amazing to check out all the Facebookers and I tried to find myself or my friends on this site, of course I failed because I browsed it for five minutes and I got nothing. But i would think about the privacy issue when everyone’s Faceboook account is posted on this website and shown publicly. And also the Oracle of Bacon, a small world network looks really interesting and I typed my name up on this site but I got nothing as well, well, I’m not famous?! Okay, That’s what I got this week.

Unlecture #9

In this week’s lecture there is a point that really inspired me and I hope to talk about this in this post. When the lecture is discussing the first question (I don’t really remember what the exact question is), Adrian threw out a point that Melbourne has expended millions every year to try to be a creative city. So I keep thinking about this a for a long time, and I have a lot of questions about this topic. How much is ‘creativity’? I thought creativity doesn’t have a price or priceless, because it is come from our minds (?!) Maybe Australia has expended lot on education but not infrastructure. In my hometown, Hong Kong, is constructing a so-called the biggest cultural district in Asia and expended over billions but it still got nothing. Nowadays publishing our creativities may cost nothing because of network, and the most important point is the idea matters, but not the hardware or even the medium.

What is….

In this weekly reading, I found something really interesting and inspiring that what are the real meanings of technology, technique and culture. Of course I can’t explain or understand more than the article has defined, but I really curious on how is the relationship between these three words? After I have read this reading, I would understand those three words are the progress to ‘culture’. Technology is pretty straight forward to be defined and it is quite a new word that just developed after ‘Industrial Revolution’. But we must have techniques to use technology, and it is really remarkable that there are two parts of technique mentioned in the reading. One is physical technique and another is technique of thoughts. That’s why it is more complicated to define ‘technique’. And ‘culture’ is the most difficult one to explain what does it mean. I think culture is including everything and of course it is including technology and technique. So these three words con be combined as a progress. Technology then technique, and we have technique to use technology to publish our thoughts and ideas, to develop culture.

Unlecture #8

In this week’s lecture I was really impressed by the question ‘Can video games be considered hypertextual narratives?’ I have never thought of it when I play video games. (I’m not a gamer)

Are video games hyper textual? I think online games can be considered as hypertextual narratives although some people do not think so. Nowadays many online games do have narratives, players need to follow the narratives to play the games, sometimes they can insert the commands in the game to win the game or change the narrative to a different ending.

But, yea, in general many video games do not have narratives and cannot be considered as storytelling. But I think considering video games as hypertextual narratives is arguable.