In the week 3 reading ‘Sight and Hearing’, there is a point that excites me. It suggests that “if the eye is entirely won, give nothing or almost nothing to the ear. One cannot be at the same time all eye and all ear.” I think it is a really good point because if sometimes the film has too much stimuli (mostly audio and visual) we might not function well on both stimuli and couldn’t concentrate on that particular scene or even the whole film, so should have a balance between eye and ear.
The other point is “image and sound must not support each other, but must work each in turn through a sort of relay.” I think it is a good point as well because I thought sometimes visual element in the film is to complement the inadequacy of story telling by audio element and vice versa. But here suggests that image or sound itself should have enough power on story telling, and each elements are just appear in different time like a relay.