In the week 3 class of The Scene that we did a very interesting exercise to direct a shot individually. This exercise was supposed to be not a hard job because we just needed to direct one single shot. But, I found it could be very challenging when myself as a director on the set. When it was not my turn to in charge my shot, I have been acting, a first AD, and camera operator while swapping roles, I thought it was pretty easy to work on it because I only followed the director’s instructions and got the job done, nothing more. However, when it was my turn to be a director, I felt a bit lost when I was giving instructions to the crew, because I was the only one that have the whole picture on the set, I had to describe the picture/what I wanted to shoot in my mind to the crew, it was very challenging. To me, language issue is one of the problems, I might not instruct them accurately to make misunderstanding. Then, I needed to be decisive, time is money, especially in film production. We were not making money by shooting those shots but we were in hurry to finish all the shots during the class, so we were in similar situation. Then I had to decide all the things quickly and to believe the decisions were right, and then we needed to finish one shot as fast as we could, so it was an interesting and meaningful exercise in this week.
This week class is the most exciting class so far, in the Wednesday’s class we formed a group to prepare shooting a scene on Friday that we had to assign a role by ourselves, and I was the director of sound. It was challenging to me because I am not really familiar with the sound mixer, but then it pushed me to do the revision before the shooting to make sure I could handle the mixer. After the shooting we swapped the roles and started over again with the same script, and I was the camera operator. The whole experience was totally changed that I changed to manage the video from audio. That was the role that I could do with more confidence and the 2nd second was bit easier comparing with the first one that might due to the lack of time, but the overall the flow was smooth and had a very fun shooting. And it was a very good experience that similar to the last week class, we had to finish the shooting in limited time, we had to do a well-planned preparation before shooting and follow the plan tightly while we were on set, for example we did the site visit and a shot list etc. on Wednesday class and followed what we have planned before on Friday, so it was a very good experience working as a big group to do the trouble shooting when we were on set to kill the problems.