Take away from week 1 reading

In week 1 reading ‘Narratives’, I found a point that is interesting Todorov argued that all stories begin with an ‘equilibrium’. That was completely new to me and very interesting that I never thought this such a term in economics would be used in filmmaking. I agree with this point that if a story starts from a equilibrium stage, then there will be room to have ups and downs, the story will be easier to be dramatic. Also, there is a point excites me that is differentiating story and plot. Although I have done cinema studies last year but I was usually confused by using terms ‘story’ and ‘plot’, but now it is clear about these two terms. Story is defined as all events in a narrative, and plot could be understood as everything visibly and audibly present in the film. After reading this point I would know how to differentiate these terms and easier to get better preparation about the story and the plot of the short film.

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