Unlecture #3

It was another amazing lecture since last week. I think Adrian likes to lecture us in different ways in every lecture. This lecture he did not ask us to ask questions and there were some slides on the screen. And, for sure, I did not take any note in the lecture, actually I couldn’t. The lecture was so chill, like a stand up show and Adrian gave us an ad lib lecture. However, I think the lecture was great. As I remember Adrian always said ‘Many people asked me this kind of questions, but I didn’t answer them, but we can talk about this.’ It sounds more like an interaction with us rather than just teach us something. I was really impressed by this because media or network are just like this, we cannot avoid to interact with other people even you don’t know them. Like posting a status update on Facebook, my friends can ‘like’ and comment on my update, even the status doesn’t concern them. So this is a great example that lecturers should not just teach us what they want to talk about but understand what we want to know and wonder.

Also, I think it is also a great idea to let the tutors lecture us in the lecture. Jasmine and Elliot gave us a short lecture to talk about the readings (shame, I haven’t done yet). And Elliot talked about the differences between studying bachelor and TAFE, I think it was very useful to make my mind clear to set goals for the future. I am looking forward to having the lecture next week because I really enjoyed in it. To be honest, I hate taking 5 pages notes in a lecture and I just copy the words on the slides but never listen to the lecture HAHA!

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