#11 – 19/4/2016

Today was the day that I presented my individual research proposal. Admittedly, I was incredibly nervous to present it for no apparent reason other than it’s always a bit intimidating speaking in front of a group of people.

I decided to present on a mode of cinema that I am incredibly interested in, which is the long take, in the context within a scene that contributes to a widespread belief or sense of meaning (mostly within the drama genre).

These were the examples I presented!


What interests me about the long take is how much of a directors’ essence is present in it. The choices that the director makes to create the shot is really interesting and something that I think ties in nicely with the notion of decoupage. The decoupage, in my opinion, for a long take is hard to map out, as you’re including more information and depth of character in a single take. It becomes important to understand your strengths as a director to harness your vision.

In my Mulholland Drive (2001) example, you can really feel David Lynch in the scene. His characteristics are evident of his personal touch on the decoupage of the shot. It is photographic in nature, the rich colours and sparcity of space really reference one of his influences, Michelangelo Antonioni, a true master of decoupage.

In my Somewhere (2007) example, the part about the long take that really hits home is the intense character development that is portrayed throughout the scene, but more importantly within the takes. I really like the thematic connotations that the audience is invited to envelop during the long take.

In going forwards with this project, i’m yet to formulate a definite final ‘end’ goal or final project, but I think I want it to be a short of some sort. I’m going to mood board examples of long takes in the form of blog posts, which will include the different characteristics and sources of inspiration that I pull from these long takes that ‘speak’ to me. I also have a keen interest in screen tests, which in turn, is just a long take. I want to screen test different people and locations and allow them to formulate this project!

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