Project Brief 4.
Here is the link to Seb, Dea and I’s group effort for Project Brief 4.
This project brief was interesting one to complete, to say the least. We were given the task of researching ‘technologies’ and it proved to be quite arduous and difficult. Being a topic so broad, I think we went into the project having no obvious clue as to what topic we were going to hone in on and analyse. We soon discovered that the most succinct route to this project would be to paint a portrait of the typical technology user.
I think with this project brief, the strongest aspect of it would be the nature of the research. I believe that it is incredibly coherent, relevant and well-researched. It makes sense and it is presented well in a simple and efficient blog format. It makes sense to the everyday reader.
In saying this, I think it could’ve been improved if we as a group worked better together and more efficiently. I strive on communication in group work and it definitely could’ve been better. I also think that the project brief could’ve had more direction, and this is a common problem that I have heard from many students.
I’m really looking forward to experiencing new project brief’s in the coming semester. I get that semester one is introductory and get a bit tiresome so it will be great to get a new boost of creative inspiration.