Week 12 – Practical

So unfortunately I didn’t make today’s practical class for Media.


That’s okay though, because while everyone was in class, I was speeding towards my death in bed wiping the constant stream of mucus away from my nostrils.

Anywaaaaaaaaaay, my group and I have been making really good process on project brief four. We’re about to get to the ‘nitty-gritty’ and really apply ourselves to cleaning up our blog so it appears coherent and presents the information that we’ve gathered on technology to paint a really clear picture and so that our audience can eat up the information efficiently and at their own leisure. We don’t really want to force information on anyone, we just want to present it in the hope that people will interact with it… As a group, we all decided that this is how we prefer to absorb information so it made sense to establish our tumblr in this way.

Also, have received some feedback on the vlogs that i’m producing. I think i’ll be attempting to mix the demographic up a bit also. It makes sense – everyone uses technology, not just people around my age.

Meanwhile – everyone is starting to feel a bit stressed.

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