Week 8 – Practical
Today in class we started brainstorming our Project Brief #4.
We got given the header of ‘technologies’ to research. At first my group really struggled to find a point at which to start our assignment, as it is entirely up to us to decide on what aspect of our given topic we would research and hone in on.
We’ve decided to explore the way that the different major ‘technologies’ throughout the ages have influenced the world around them, and the context that these technologies exist within. Our assignment is going to cover the printing press, wireless, television and the Internet. It’s going to be really interesting as we found that everything has essentially been leading up to the Internet which is a massive culmination of all the different technologies that have come before it. Like the wireless, television and printing press, the Internet serves to inform and make communication easier.
We figured that technology is created to serve a purpose and to make our lives simpler, yet found that there is a dark aspect of technology that is actually pulling us apart as humans? Are we benefiting from technology in the long run? Will technology be our demise? Hmmm…..