Week 4 – Connection
Philosopher René Descartes famously stated that the body works on a cause and effect basis, that there are two foundations of thinking and practice; the mind and the body. One cannot exist without the other and both are needed to put thoughts into motion on a physical level.
What a smart guy! I always feel so inspired to think in terms of dualism and to try my hardest to put my thoughts into practice. Before I started this uni course, I completed an Advanced Diploma in Photo-Imaging; majoring in Film Photography. Not a day goes by that I think about picking up my camera once more and going out there and getting really inspired to work on my craft. A dream of mine is to have an exhibition surrounded by family and friends with the alcohol freely flowing and everyone just havin’ a great old time. Think of the work that I could’ve produced in this time, if I only just put my thoughts and ideas into practice.
Which brings it all back to Media. None of the great media practitioners of our time ever did anything great and made a difference just by sitting on their butt’s and wasting time scrolling through instagram and throwing out pointless likes to celebrities such as Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus, who surely have enough likes already. I’m really hoping that my motivation comes soon. I’m motivated to get up every morning and to make my way to uni but I hope I can get to that next step: to start producing work that is technically great but also jam-packed with creativity and that hook that just enthralls the audience.