Week 3 – Lectorial

I walked away from this lectorial feeling quite enlightened and positive about the future. The first guest lecturer that we had was Anne Lennox. She spoke to us about copyright laws within the media industry and how we were protected under our own laws and what constituted a breach of copyright etc. I find it disheartening really that the law is SO strict but can understand from an artist’s point of view why these laws exist. I wouldn’t want my ideas, A) stolen from me or B) used commercially without me getting the credit and/or payment from it.

Kyle Brettle was our second guest speaker. It was so refreshing to hear about her experience working in the ‘real world’. Listening to her work that she created from within the ambulance was incredibly captivating. I found her so inspiring and down to Earth. She really spoke in a language that I felt the whole room could relate to. Such a champ.

Paul’s talk at the end was incredibly entertaining. A lot of it was discussing how you should treat the people who were working for you which I thought was pretty self-explanatory. I always find it weird and can’t really wrap my around the fact that some people need reminding on what it takes to be a good person?

By the end of this lectorial, I was feeling really inspired on working to become happy and successful within the industry.

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