Week 2 – Lectorial

The media is all around me.

And so the feelin’ grows.

Week 2 lectorial. What a great time. The whole 2 hours was essentially based around the concept of ‘noticing’, something that I think most people take for granted in a really odd way. No one is concious of how much information we constantly process on a day-to-day basis so it was super interesting to take a step back, breathe and notice the world around us and how much of an influence the media has on our environments.

We were sent on a fun little adventure to step outside the classroom and on to the streets of Melbourne, to look up, down and around and to list all the different forms of Media that plague our surroundings. It was rad to do this with some cool peeps.

My people.

So we stepped outside on to Swanston St and headed for the State Library.

These are our findings.

Flashing LED screens advertising specific products, such as Coca-Cola.
Bank advertisements – Commonwealth Bank, NAB.
Painted murals – Nike shoes.

Band tshirts – Metallica, Madonna, Taylor Swift (products of society, ha!)
T-shirts advertising fashion labels.
Saw a man wearing a Piggly Wiggly t-shirt (a US supermarket chain)

Car stereos playing all sorts of music, advertisements etc.
Tram announcements.
Metro workers giving out information.
Phone conversations.
Human conversations between friends.

The majority of people looking at their phones. Constantly processing information.
Heaps of individuals reluctantly accepting brochures and ‘bibles’.
Unidentified pieces of paper (UPP’s)
Branded shopping bags (UNIQLO, General Pants, Hype)

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