PROJECT BRIEF 3: A World Without Art

Through my experiences, though limited, in creating films I always find that dealing with and appeasing the actors that you choose is the most difficult part. Especially if, like in this Project Brief, the actor is doing you a favour. I chose my older sister, Isabella, as my subject for this portrait because other than being accessible, she has very interesting views and opinions. Although she was a fabulous choice and gave me a lot of information to work with and consider, she was my family which meant the dynamic between actor and director was obviously not quite professional. This meant that I could only get limited footage of her face and bedroom as she frequently became annoyed with me. Maybe, for the next assessments, I should steer clear from relying on my family to be my subjects.

Besides all of this, I very much enjoyed creating this particular project. I got an insight into my own sister’s life and she had a lot of opinions that were easy to pair with found footage. As my sister is an artists, it was pretty simple to find found footage that included a lot of colours that complimented the recorded interview. I tried my best to make what was being said match the footage that I had filmed or found.

The biggest issue I have as a filmmaker at the moment is that I’m not very good with using music. I began this assessment knowing this and I decided to firstly attack this component before anything else. I, however, no matter how much time I spent trying to locate an appropriate and relevant musical track to play along with the footage and voice-over, I was never content with what I had chosen. In the end, I gave up on it. I think, in future I am going to need to either collaborate with people who are more competent with sound or spend a lot more time teaching myself to use it properly.

I always find that, when creating films, writing down plan after plan after plan always makes the production and post-production jobs a lot easier. This is what I found easier with this Project Brief compared to the last. It gives me, as a director, something to follow, and the actors something to abide by. I’ll definitely be planning a lot more before the production process in future.

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