Collaboration is continuously a tricky obstacle – working with the right people and distributing jobs properly based on skills and attributes. For me, collaboration is often difficult if it is not with the right people as I tend to be quite a domineering person.

I originally had the intention of completing this project alone, until Brooke had asked to join my group. Despite the fact that I already came up with an idea for the project and had started to put it into action, Brooke was understanding and still wanted to join my team as we were already familiar with one another and have had worked on projects in past studios together. This familiarity with one another helped us bypass the process of needing to gain comfort around each other, and Brooke was already aware of the domineering/leading personality that I have.

Having another person on the project particularly assisted the film in regards to interviewing and gaining access to people. The interviews that we conducted were very personal and were done with some of our close friends, therefore being one-on-one assisted with this process and encouraging the participant to open up further.

As aforementioned, I tend to struggle in groups as I put a lot of the pressure on myself to do every part of the project (pre-production, production and post-production). Evenly distributing roles was a struggle for me and Brooke, although we managed to work it out based on capabilities. With me being part-time this semester and Brooke being full-time, we really struggled with a balance and we used that to justify that I had done a bit more work on the project. Despite this, Brooke was a big contribution to the film and I would have struggled to make it without her assistance and input in the pre-production and production process.

There were no explicit issues between me and Brooke in the creation of this project, rather we understand each other and worked well together. Although in the future, I do need to work to distribute roles evenly and make sure that each person sticks to these roles. I personally need to put a halt to being so domineering and allow more creative contribution from others.


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