REAL TO REEL: Intentions, Aims, Desires

For my studio 5 subject I have chosen Rohan Sprong’s class Real to Reel. From partaking in this class, I expect to obtain a wide range of skills through transmedia platforms while advancing and deepening my knowledge behind the usage of different medias by looking at various professionals, artists and creators and how they use their chosen platorms. In this studio, I am looking forward to having the freedom to use a diverse range of media platforms in order to create a final non-fictitious piece.

By the time I complete this studio, my aim is to have broadened and deepened my practical capabilities in various aspects of media-making, such as photography, radio and film. I intend to not restrict myself to one particular medium in this process, this expanding my practical skillset, with an accompanying understanding of what platform would work best in a certain situation and intention of the final project.

As I generally work in groups in my other projects, I think it would be interesting, yet a lot more difficult in some ways, to work by myself. There are various pros and cons to working by yourself or in a group, and as all my other studios have required group work, right now I want to set the challenge for myself to complete the final project independently. Although, this may not happen in the end by the demanding nature of this project, the intentions of working individually are there. It will allow me to think independently and decide on a topic and master a platform and the whole process by myself.

This studio is like no other I’ve partaken in before. From my understanding, freedom and individual thinking seem to be at the basis of the course, as it forces you to get out of your comfort zone in regard to your own capabilities.


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