PB4 Feedback: Jon Tjhai

Rough cut day! Jon Tjhai from The Wheeler Centre provided Darcey, Rebekah and I with feedback on our 1 minute and 30 second progress so far. My group and I went into the presentation excited to show our piece, and came back throughly pleased with positive and constructive criticism. Having a clear and set structure, Jon was able to understand where we were heading with our final piece.

We all sat around a table with another group in our class and Jon Tjhai, listening through separate headphones of what we had put together for the rough cut. While we did this, I looked around at people’s faces and reactions when listening. Being genuinely pleased with this piece, I loved that others were too.

Overall, Jon said the piece was incredibly visual and has a lot of depth of field, which was our intention from the very beginning. Through layers of audio, we wished the create the effect of a Facebook post thread between three friends. He noted this, which gave us reassurance that we were headed in the right direction creatively.

The beginning of our audio piece begins with a layered section of news reporters discussing the negatives of youth on social media in regards to mental health. This specific part, layered with social media sound effects (i.e. Facebook notification sounds), was very overwhelming. Jon questioned how overwhelming we wished it to be, and said it was possible to space that out more, giving it clarity.

After such an overwhelming and engaging introduction, my group and I were worried about the audio piece fizzing out in the middle while we discuss the topic (you could say that we didn’t follow Kyla Brettle’s tip of putting the best part after the second best part). Jon reassured us that this is a common challenge to face, and gave us an idea to intercut between voices to pace and bring movement to the piece. But as the audience, not just the creators, we need to figure out what would make this middle part less boring.

Jon Tjhai’s feedback on Project Brief 4 was both insightful and very welcomed. Everything that he mentioned was taken into consideration and helped to alter and better our piece. He also gave us even more confidence in our piece, telling us why he thought that it was good – reassuring our creative decisions.

NB: As we have used material that is not ‘creative commons’, we have uploaded the rough cut to the Production Dossier instead of uploading it to our blogs.


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