Week 7: a reflection of my Video Portrait so far

For my video portrait (pb3), I am interviewing a up-and-coming trap artist, Reiis. In this interview I discuss with him about what the music he makes is, how he creates it, what it means to him, and how he has gotten his name out there. I managed to film his interview outside and some b-roll in a music studio, making some very, very rookie errors.

Firstly: FILMING AN INTERVIEW OUTSIDE? How silly could I be? This just provided me with windy audio and the sound of cars, trucks and birds on top. Despite this, I am pleased with the shot against the brick wall (see below), though I am still not content with the outcome of the audio of the interview.

Rookie Mistake #2: not knowing your lighting situation before deciding to film b-roll (and not bringing any sort of lighting along to fix this). Correct: the room was extremely dark and I tried to film b-roll for this. Thankfully, a good friend of mine had filmed one of Reiis’ gigs while I was away and has approved for me to use some of his footage.

Filming project brief 3 was filled with rookie errors, but I’ve comprehended what I’ve done wrong and assessed how I can attempt to fix them and/or how I can avoid these issues in my future projects.


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