Passions and Whatnot

After discussing Cal Newport’s concept of craftsmanship over passion, it got me thinking of what media was to me. Newport’s reading and presentation really got me thinking about about one of my great passions.

I love to paint, but I didn’t always. In year 7 and 8 when taking art classes at school, I just wasn’t interested and always slacked off. Then, in year 9 when we were asked to choose our electives for the next two years, I did what any 14-year-old girl would do: I chose the subject that my best friend wanted to do. Though, it turned out that I didn’t actually get put into her class due to timetabling.

I wanted to drop out of this class because I only chose it because I wanted to be with my friend, so what was the point? How silly and juvenile I was… The art rooms became my safe haven for any time I would fight with a friend (and for a 14-year-old is far too often than not), and I would immerse myself in my work. This constant commitment turned into good grades, which turned into awards, which turned into a passion that I became pretty alright at.

Though this story is not related to my current chosen path, it does prove that work and effort of something you may or may not like can always build into something more. This gives me inspiration to build on my interests (film), and not to give myself a direct path and expectations of where I should be going.


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