Back to Basics [10]

Now that the final assignment is knocking at the doorstep, I’ve decided to go over what I’ve learnt in the Mechanics of Immersion, and discuss how I’m going to intergrate it into my PB4

Throughout this semester in all my media related classes, I’ve particularly taken a liking to recording and conducting interviews, which is where I decided to go with my PB4. We’ve discussed that media can be made immersive through several methods.

  • Complex, unique, and Mysterious Sound design
  • Video editing, and a clear focal point(s)
  • Surrealism
  • Force/Drive  (Rides)
  • Writing, emotional attachment to characters
  • Humour

(and that’s just from the top of my head.) 

For my PB4, a sort of immersive documentary based on the immersive effects of gambling, I wanted to replicate some of the effets used the documentary ‘Ka Ching! Pokie Nation’. Examples such as these:

Despite the documentary’s intention just being to communite can the serious complications of gambling, it does so in an often artistic way with plenty of skilled cinematography. The interview that I have recorded is resonably emotional at times, and I’d like to include footage similar to what is shown to emphasis what my interviewee is saying, and that is where a lot of the immersive aspect would derive from.

About joshuahouston

Just a kiwi trying to make his way in the big smoke.

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