The Post Broadcasting Era

The Post Broadcasting era is determined by the rise of unbiased media distribution and individual critical analysis through means of the internet and to a lesser extent, television and radio.   

It refers to the growing ways that information is being spread, the era in which audience involvement became accessible, acceptable and easy. Audience involvement with their favorite TV shows and celebrates has been popularised all over the internet through the means of social media such as Twitter, Facebook and Reddit. This means that anybody with access to the internet can log on and tell Justin Bieber that they think his song wasn’t all that great, or let Gordon Ramsey know what food they’ve prepared that night.

“The post-network era saw the development of technologies that deliver a wider diversity of programming choice, less constraints on a consumer’s choice of medium, decentralization of the location of their viewing, and freedom of choice over time of their viewing.”

Lotz, Amanda D. (2007)

When the Post Broadcasting Era came into place in the early 21st Century, It threatened large Television broadcasting producers, as journalists and entertainment producers were then challenged by the average person so long as they could get access to a recording equipment, or animation. This made television less profitable, and it gave more options for people to stream their TV shows online, and through other means. 1 But it also provided a positive side for audience and the people, as they were able to gather stories and information more specifically catered to them. TV shows were then created for a specific group of people, whether it were people interested in complex and rare topics, or an absurdist comedy group, they could find this content instead of watching the limited programming given through television. Small groups of people with similar ideologies could also share their ideas and information with eachother through their internet, and ideas and opinions were more easily expressed and adapted.



About joshuahouston

Just a kiwi trying to make his way in the big smoke.

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