6 Pictures relating to myself.

  1. Few Resources.

Since I came to Melbourne with just a suitcase and about $1000, the things I was able to buy were pretty rubbish. My bike is how I get to everywhere, including Uni from Preston carrying my dinosaur of a laptop in the back basket.

Few Resources

2. What I stand for

I’m pretty stubborn on the opinions I have. I think that freedom of speech is really important and should be exercised. and I’m not a big fan of most conformity.

What I stand for.

3. Up against the Big Dogs

Coming to University in Melbourne made me feel very much like a small fish in a big pond. Everyone seems to really know what they’re doing, particularly in the later years.

Up against the big dogs

4. Bit of a Rebel

This is just the kind of shit I get up to make the boys laugh.

Bit of a rebel

5. Huge Melbourne, Little Joshua

Just a bit more background of how massive Melbourne is compared to my home town.

Big Melbourne, Little Joshua

6. Expanding Roots

I just thought this was sort of an interesting photo biking through the city. I saw this small tree and cracks in the concrete surrounding it. It occurred to be that it was actually the trees roots, and they were continuing to grow  and spread to the point that they were actually breaking through the concrete. Bit of an interesting wee metaphor there huh.

Expanding Roots

About joshuahouston

Just a kiwi trying to make his way in the big smoke.

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