Project Brief 2 Self Portrait – Joey

There is a theme in my self portrait and that theme is being simple. I’m a simple man, I prefer to stick with the fundamentals and just really showcase that you don’t have to be fancy to make something enjoyable to watch. My self portrait simply called “Joey” is a comedy documentary, almost realty television show biography segment, simply about my life and hobby in a general sense. What I wanted to show to the audience was something simple and straightforward. I didn’t want them getting to confuse, I want them to understand me and know the kind of person I was. If I got the impression I am a simple and carefree relaxed guy, I have achieve my goal. My aim was to entertain the viewer, so I purposely filmed some quick little skits that would showcase I am usually on daily basis, but of course in a more comedic way. I wanted to showcase my hobbies and show that even though I do all these geeky things, it doesn’t mean I’m a typical shy, anti-social, non out-going geek. I kind of just wanted to kill off that stereotypical look, because I’m aware I look the part, but I’m not really in the part.

As for the process of editing this video. It started off very simple at first, because it was originally just pieces of random shots and photos of things around me. But after watching some of the previous years, I decided to add a bit more spice into. I wasn’t going for anything artistic, I just wanted stay simple, but effective. Most of my transitions are basic transitions such as cuts and dissolves, but honestly that is all I need to convey my message out. The starting sequence with the quick cut is actually an inspiration I got from watching the movie “Snatch” where in one part of the movie, there was similar transition in it, I like how it was fast, but very effective of doing its job, by skipping time. I timed everything so it would fit with my voice over. I think the transition I did at the very start was the most successful because I think it catches my audience eyes quickly, while being quick and simple. However the most troubled I had was deciding where I could fit my photos in the video. Sticking with the theme of quick and simple, I decided to put it at the end with something similar to the start by having them fly in and out very quickly, so you can get a good glimpse of who I am.

3 Videos of My Life

Here are three different videos of my life.

When you’re home alone and don’t know what to make. Make some cup noodles, its satisfying and simple. Except when you try to make it with one hand.

I’m not a only child. I have sister, unfortunately she has a disability and I usually look after her in my free time.

One thing you need to know about me, is that I’m an Idol Otaku. I love Japanese Idol Music. Usually when you see Wotagei perform, there’s music, however to avoid any copyright, I did a quick improv without music.

I hope you enjoyed the random things in my life.