EAC Self Reflection Week 7

Like many other weeks, I was only able to one session, which turned out to be a fun session. As everyone got pitch their idea for the final project. Everyone including myself pitched their ideas to the class and everyone got feedback for their pitches. I love the fact that everyone had an initial idea, but there was always something added to the pitch, which made things more interesting. Everyone had their own unique ideas so it was a varied discussion. I pitched my idea of having to do something anime related, which I always get nervous bring up, because it’s a niche. But I like how everyone gave me new ways to approach the project, such as comparing to western live action adaptations and even making a video review, because I mentioned during my introductions I like to make youtube videos. Which ended up turning out to my plan of attack, as I plan to make a video critical analysis on Anime western culture. After the pitches we each decided to write a name for the final project on a piece of paper and shuffle them into a box and actually we didn’t chose a title, but we it was all read out and everything was anonymous, so we don’t know who wrote what title. We also ate donuts that class.

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