Week 12 – Last Week and Reflecting

So this being the last week of the lectorial, there was no guest speakers and no new added information we were told. We were just told to give our own reflection on the course and how we did find ourselves doing it. We were given a graph piece of paper to give an illustration and graph of how we think we did personally during the course.

By looking at this graph, I reckon I stayed pretty almost above my average abilities. Because going into the course beforehand, I had an idea of what I was getting myself into, and being a media enthusiast and one who loves making videos, the first half provided me with what I love doing and since I know how to use video editing programs, I say my skills came in handy. Notice how the graph drops during the last few weeks, that’s because we got into the more sound related part of the course, where I struggled a bit. Not completely failing and struggling, but it was an area I was uncomfortable at. But of course another thing plays into factor for the drop, it wasn’t me understanding, but I started to get the end of semester drug in me, as I was getting exhausted and flustered with more and more work thrown at me. After trying so hard at the start, I think I lost a bit of motivation towards the end. Overall I think its been a fun semester and I am glad I picked this course.

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