Assignment 1 – Shifting Liveness (Part 1 – Live Streaming)

This week in class we were sent a task of live streaming. Whether it was on Periscope or on Twitch each group went out on live streamed whatever was available around. Our group decided we would give a live tour of RMIT campus. While live stream, I noticed it was quite hard to keep the content consistently entertaining. Because we didn’t exactly have a plan, we just decided to improvise on our way to our said location on stream. So during the stream, there were parts where it would be sort of quiet, but there are also live moments, like when we caught someone dabbing on stream, so we decided to quickly film that as something entertaining for the viewer. The main problem with live streaming, would be trying to find ways to keep the stream entertaining, so you don’t have too much dead air. But the good thing about live streaming, was that because we were giving a tour of RMIT, we made the viewer feel like they were there at the scene with us, so it was an experience they can experience at the same time. We mainly used Periscope on our phones. As a streaming app, it was simple and easy to setup. We can see the comments as it happens live and have easy analytics to assess. One thing we couldn’t do was look at what comments has been posted and at what time, without having to watch the live stream all over again.

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