Critical Reflection – Role of A Critic

For pass semester I chose to do the studio “Everyone’s a Critic”. My main reason for choosing this studio is because I’m an aspiring critic on the side, alongside wanting to do something in film and tv. In fact I dedicate a whole youtube channel to myself, where I go out and review the anime shows that I watch. So choosing this course was a simple task. I wanted to improve my writing but also at the same time listen to many other voices and criticism while I was at it. My interpretation of a critic is one that expresses their own opinion on a subject or matter, it doesn’t matter whether the person was wrong or right, because as long as it’s their own opinion the criticism matters. That is what I have always firmly believed in when it comes to being a critic. One that is able to give criticism, expressing their own words, but also one that is able to take criticism and listen to others opinions as well and respect them.

Throughout the course we watched, listened and read many forms of criticism. It was also good to note that our class had a bunch of variety of characters and personalities, meanings all our styles were different and all our voices were different. At first it was intimidating at first having strangers read your work and critique it, but in time it became the norm. I was always use to this idea of your work getting critique, because I’m always willing to listen to a new voice and someone else’s opinions, because I am willing to respect their criticisms as it would only help me improve further down the track. We watched many types of reviews and listened to many type of critics in the class, some where more lenient and nicer in their reviews, while some where way more harsh and unforgiving in their reviews. Being a critic is having your own voice and style, everyone has their own voice, and its how they express it, is what makes them a critic. I learn’t while listening, watching and reading other critics not to be so biased towards the subject, because that makes you lose a bit of credibility as a reviewer. A critic we are a source of information for the general public to give an idea of what they are looking at. A critic is there to give a review and idea of what the subject in question is like and feels. The public wants a general opinion of something, before trying it for themselves.

Being a person that is able to listen, improve and execute upon criticism is a skill many can have. You don’t have to be professional critic to be able to give criticism. If you are able to give explanations to your arguments and point out flaws in something, using your own words, you’re pretty much a critic already. Because being a critic is having an opinionated voice on a subject, in fact, you’re opinion is the not the most important. The public needs more multiple voices and opinions, and being a critic is just one of many voices that is needed to be heard to give a out a overall criticism. Because everyone is different and has their own opinion, some people may have the same opinion, but some others may have the same opinion. Being a critic is giving an opinion and criticism for the people. And it’s the public and general’s job to decide and pick what piece of argument works best for them, and the more criticisms they get, the clearer the picture they have of the subject becomes more sensible.

Being a critic is also almost a gruelling job as well also. After watching Jonathan Gold’s “City of Gold” I have respect to him as a fellow critic of the stuff he goes through to publish a good review. The film wasn’t great in terms of criticism, but it was a good look at how a critic critiques. The amount of research he puts in, when reviewing a restaurant is an abundant amount. When I go to review anime, I make sure I do my fair share of research, to show to the audience I am qualified to review this piece. Because showing the audience you have done your research and being able to back up your statements, is one respect you can gain from professional critics. Having knowledge of other things is what plays a role of being a critic. Not to just be able to critique the subject in front of your eyes, but also make references to similar subjects of the matter. A role of a critic is be able to give and take criticism and if you are able to show your knowledge and research to others, you are qualified to be a professional critic.

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