EAC Self Reflection #1

During this week’s classes we we watched a panel discussion on criticism featuring Adrian Martin, Gillian Armstrong, Mel Campbell, Fenella Kernebone and moderated by Peter Mares. The panel itself was a lot of banter between the critics, but nonetheless it was interesting, because of their experiences, they were able to tell us the ever growing nature of criticisms and how having critics was a much needed thing in the world. Considering the rapid rise of the internet, and they were able to tell us the difference between an amateur review compared to professional review. Everyone on the panel had their own ideas on what it is to criticize, and it was fascinating to listen to so many opinions and voices, while each person on the panel respecting each other’s opinion. Which I can relate to, since I love listening to other opinions and never letting others opinions get to me.

In our other class we began the day brainstorming what we do as critics and how we can implement it into our writing. After that we gave our 300 word piece review to each other during class, so we can have someone else evaluate our writing and give and receive feedback. The piece I got was interesting, because for the most part it seemed like a very perfect review, even though it was only around 300 words. I found out even though a piece could be perfect, there’s always going to be someone with a different opinion and find a negative, I particular didn’t find a negative, but more so a fact it could’ve been my own personal feelings getting in the way, but that would only get in the way for me, so it the review that I read, was fine nonetheless. The feedback I got was fine, according to the person who read mine, even though I thought I went into too much detail on the story, apparently ‘you are your own biggest critic” does apply here. But I was happy to know my style of writing works and can appeal to people.

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