Initiative #12 – Exams

Well it’s end of semester, normally this is a time for exams, but thing being media we don’t have one. THANK GOD. But it really got me thinking, was ever really fair making an exam the majority of our mark back in high school. I mean we spend 90% of a semester or year doing school work, and doing things inside the classroom, while also doing tests as well. So why was it ever really fair putting the majority of our year’s work on one piece of paper that held so much of our future. Yes I understand exams are there to evaluate the things you learnt, but even if it covers a majority of the year it kind of off putting knowing you have done good all year long, but then this one piece of paper comes in and you say you didn’t do as good in as you did during the whole year. That one bad could very outweigh the good. I guess one of the reasons why we see so many of our friends and sometimes ourselves stress out in the presence of an exam, as we all know this one mess up could really turn out semester around. However I guess it can be used the opposite way, as a really good exam performance can really help with out future mark and grades. However I’m still kind of annoyed how one piece of paper holds so much percentage of our fates and its not what we did during a semester. I myself do have one exam for this semester, and I’m hoping to do well in it, because I did alright in that class, I just don’t want one piece of paper turning it around.

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